Thursday, 1 December 2011

Interesting Magic: Mono-Colour EDH Generals Part 2: Black

And now on with part 2. I'll be honest here though this isn't anywhere near as long as Blue because Black's legendary creatures seem to fit the theme, the kill shizz, they reanimate shizz or they suicide black shizz. But I've managed to find a few that get my magic brain tingling.

I only have 5 generals to show you this time, and to be honest most of them are still basically black generals they just have effects that are a teeny bit different. This time we'll be going by coverted mana cost.

Kiku, Night's Flower lets you deal with those even P/T creatures with just some mana and a tap. Plus she's nice and cheap so I might build an aggro black general damage deck with her, but we shall see.

Toshiro Umezawa gives all your instants flashback, kinda, when something is destroyed. It's a shame black has so few ways of destroying creatures isn't it? Being able to double up on spell effects is always a wonderful one in EDH so he fits the bill nicely along with a nice combat ability makes him a shiny nice general indeed. Shame he's from Kamigawa tho.....

Horobi, Death's Wail turns everything into a Phantom creature just a shame you can't target him to give him hexproof..... There must be a way to do it, I just can't think of one in his colour identity.

The weeaboo sets seem to be where wizards drink paint and come up with silly card effects. Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed has a strange reanimator mechanic which combined with his generalness would make him a fun little recursion engine, altho at great cost. Still one to look out for.

Shirei, Shinzo's Caretaker should be no stranger to most people and with 312 creatures with power 1 alone to power him I'm sure there's some dickish things you can pull. Bear in mind it checks the power of the creature as it goes to the bin so a buff will scupper you. Standouts include Dark Supplicant and 2 other 1 power buddies, Thrull Surgeon to keep eating their brains, Bone Shredder so you don't have to give a shit about echo and Whispering Specter because nothing says annoying like recursive infect.

And well that about wraps it up. Black is pretty dull for me when it comes to generals but hopefully Red should be full of fun fun goblin shizz to show you. Until next time.


  1. dude! you missed Seizan, Perverter of Truth! If there is a silly EDH general to use with 40 health and the many many (by which i mean 123) black cards that gain you life!

  2. He's just a sucide black draw engine, he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary or interesting he just speeds your game up if you plan for him.

    I do personally like him as a general but he's not really the level of quirky this series needs.

  3. I don't think monoblack has access to Shroud or Hex Proof without Hirobi getting destroyed before it applies the effect. That said Eldrazi Monument does a good job of making his effect one sided, only costs 5 and the sacrifice cost gives it a black feel.
